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    Model:Trilon BX
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Chemical Nature:

Trilon BX Powder is a white, crystalline powder of the tetrasodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. It is produced by a special process, which ensures that it contains very few impurities (low Na3NTA content).

Typical properties:

Concentrations (%)

approx. 99

pH (1% in water)

approx. 11

Bulk Density (g/L)

approx. 770


Trilon BX Powder can prevent discoloration and rancidity in soap. It is used to complex the ferrous ions in the catalyst systems used in the polymerization of rubber, and soften cooling water and process water. Otherwise, there are many applications for Trilon BX Powder in detergents and cleaners. It can be added to emulsions, including lubricants and polishes to minimize the effects of hardness ions and polyvalent metals salts.


Containers should be stored tightly sealed in a dry, ventilated place. 25 kg/ bag.

Shelf Life:

2 years.